- Battery - well, it's a tin. Too fast discharge despite the fact that everything is at the minimum parameters! And if everything is done to the max? I do not play but I use the camera and navigator. Bottom line: the phone lasts from 9 am to 7 pm at best. - Charger. Very cool, 120 W, hefty bastard) They say it should be charged in 18 minutes . The first 3 times the phone really charged within 20 minutes and wow). But then it started: 27 minutes, 34 minutes, 42, 45, 47. I really timed it. I turned on the acceleration of charging, but even with it it did not work out faster than 28 minutes. And since it is turned off by default to save battery life, I charge it under 50 minutes. Well, the impression from all this is as if I was knocked over somewhere. - Camera. Good detail. Pictures in general are good, but the camera dumps all colors into gray tones and what was beige becomes gray-beige, white becomes dirty white. No matter how cool she shot, I can’t call these pictures of high quality. It does not convey the real color of the object! Also strange focusing when shooting from a sheet. Excellent focus in the central part and blur around the edges. Why can't I photograph the entire sheet with the same quality? I don't understand. - Speaker. He is not quiet. The interlocutor is heard normally BUT. The speaker, as I understand it, is hidden in the case and the sound does not go directly to your ear canal, but it is "somewhere behind the wall." It's a kind of feeling. I had to get used to it. - Screen. Despite the fact that basically everyone praises the screen, it seems dull and dark to me. I can not get used to the work of auto-brightness. Samsung a 50 I liked the screen much more. Maybe I'm just not used to it though. Bottom line: Everything written is personal nit-picking, the phone is normal. Upsets only charging. Maybe just a marriage . The camera shoots generally well, it charges relatively quickly, the performance is excellent, it rings, vibrates and everything else does fine. For + -50k you can take. But the price of 100K from distributors is simply INADEQUATE comrades!
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