I bought these thinking there was a standard size for a radio antenna. It was the right length, I assumed it would be the right diameter. for my Eton radio. Turns out I was wrong. great product It's very durable, slips with some resistance but isn't too hard. And since it's rust free, I assume it won't rust on mine. It is also much more powerful than the standard Eton antenna. However, the base diameter is 6mm when I needed 5. Or is it 7mm when I needed 6? I do not know. because another great thing about this antenna is that the brass pin at the base is roughly hewn around the edges so i just stuck it in and used it like a drill to change the plastic hole in my radio. The brass edges easily gnawed through the plastic, enlarging the existing hole to just the right size to accommodate this antenna. So now it fits perfectly! Even when it came time to screw it in with the jumper wire, this brass connector worked great with the hardware I had, I think it's a pretty standard size. Hence 5 stars for the antenna itself. Minus one star for Tecsun, which publishes this Revain list without mentioning the antenna diameter. Base diameter 6 mm. If you want to know if it will fit your radio you can probably just measure the base diameter of your existing antenna. Or a hole it has to fit into.
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