Received today and can agree with other reviewers who said it was very difficult to assemble. It took me 15 minutes to figure out how to assemble all the parts because the instructions are on the plastic bag the product comes in and there aren't any good instructions inside. Together I found it fit me, it was easy to tighten the handle on the back to my size. The on-screen visor is cool, it's strong enough to keep flying debris or branches falling from above in your eyes. The earphones are not detachable as stated in the Revain catalogue, they can be moved to the side but not removed. If you do this, there is no way to attach the screen bezel so that it can move up and down. The headphones are not bad when it comes to noise cancellation, but they sit very firmly on the ears. Not sure if I'll be using them or not, but once they're out of the way you can still use a helmet and visor with confidence. I really want some sellers to read this and send their feedback to Chinese manufacturers. and tell them to educate people better. Still, for the price I paid, $20.99, it's worth the money. I look forward to using it on chainsaw work and other tree work around my home.
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