Before that, I used Boneco 1355N for several years: . Xml? modelid=590442&hid=734595 I write as an experienced user. :) 1. Instruction. - in 2022; - described exactly what you need. 2. Appearance. White box with a nice display. You can't call this device particularly designer (it looks a little "cubic"), but in general there is nothing tocomplain about. 4. Quality of materials and assembly. Everything is fitted, no cracks and gaps, nothing creaks (unlike Boneco's creaky plastic). 5. Maintainability. The design is sensible, access to all serviced elements is simple. The BSS filter is generally removed at a time (which cannot be said about Boneco with their "silver rod"). 6. Drum. Metal discs, i. E. dishwasher safe, great! 7. Water tank. It is large (9 liters). Unlike Boneco, there is no water top-up system, i. E. the water level will decrease until the next filling, the drum will not becompletely submerged in water, and the efficiency will be reduced. 8. Water refill. You need to use a separate vessel (for example, a kettle). It is difficult to fill the tank right away - carry 10 kg, you can splash water. :) 9. Regulation of ventilation and noise level. The fan is regulated on 4 levels, and at 2 it is quite possible to sleep! At the maximum level it blows very well humid air. At the same time, there is noise, but it is not annoying, but soft. 10. Hygrostat. The hygrostat turned out to be unregulated: the device turns itself off when it reaches 60%. You cannot set the desired humidity level. I don't know yet how necessary it is, but it's unexpected. 11. Other. Theionizer works - it smells nice of Amazon. Thecomntrol of air purity and water level has not yet been evaluated. SUMMARY: an excellent device in terms of "opportunities +comnvenience + quality / price" ratio.
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