Can't be beat for the price. They are as accurate as anything I've used in the lab. You should always measure any gauge you use with calibrated micrometers if you need mil-level accuracy. But for most automotive applications you just don't need that level. Even when cheaper gauges corrode due to poor instrument care, the thickness change is within the accuracy needed by anyone spending so little on a gauge. Fixed complaints about it not being stainless steel. Of course not. And they shouldn't be. The sellers just don't know their product like most sellers do. I won't go into detail as to why you wouldn't want them to be stainless steel anyway. Except for extremely prohibitive production costs. Addressing complaints that they are oily. Of course they are. as they should be. Be sure to lubricate them with oil after each use, using household 4-in-1 oil, gun oil, or sharpening oil. Considering complaints about their rust after cleaning oil. Do not do that! Oil isn't just there.