Really appreciate that this device keeps my V10 and all accessories organized. It's a little more expensive than the others, but relatively durable and overall aesthetically pleasing. It was easy to put together, although care must be taken when pulling the main frame pieces together. I see someone re-tighten and trim the screw holes. The base is heavy enough that I can remove the main vacuum unit from the mount without moving. Looking at it from the side you can see minimal forward lean, but I mean minimal. I had no trouble attaching additional jigs to the pins. No modifications were required to place the instruments on these storage pins. This is mostly just my visual preference, but I'd like the bait pins to have rounded edges to make them look smoother and make it seem like the pins are supposed to be there, rather than looking like an afterthought with hard, square edges. It doesn't affect the function of the pens in any way, I'm just picky. I would highly recommend this stand to anyone with a compatible Dyson!