This is a very cute little LoRa board. This allows wireless transmission or reception from the Arduino board. It's 915MHz and can theoretically transmit up to 10 miles in open space. But I think that 1 mile will be optimal in our cities without congestion. The good thing is that it uses very little power compared to other boards on the market. actually this board belongs to BSFrance (see photos), a very good company. I love that it has an SMA adapter so you can change the antenna if you want to reach longer distances. In addition, this board has a built-in charging circuit, so you can use it to charge the battery. I'm thinking of using it with a 1s 3.7v battery and charging it via a solar panel if I install it in a remote location! I haven't had any issues with my board - programming wise - as another customer mentioned. However, if you are new to this, check out the documentation or check out some YouTube videos that are available for similar boards and procedures. Overall, this item was well packaged and worked as described!
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