Generally very comfortable and functional, velcro straps are very easy to close, they stay snug, they are easy to walk on and that's what you expect when travelling. return because they are too short. It was unfortunate because the next 1/2 size was supposed to be from another supplier and added $10 IIRC. I was expecting the next size up to be correct and hoping they wouldn't be too big. If anything, they're still a bit tight, mostly around my slightly longer second one. They can be worn but I'm ready to go out in an hour. Cleat fit is good, I used Shimano cleats, the only caveat is that when going uphill on my concrete road, the cleats touch the concrete due to the extra pressure of going uphill. Using spikes is much more convenient when cycling, so I'm happy with the purchase, except for a small drawback in size.
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