Overclocked to 4300 MHz. It works stably at this frequency. Above tried to overclock - unsuccessfully. I have been using the overclocked process for a long time. Temperatures in heavy games up to 61*C. In the tests of the link for 15 minutes to 71 * C caught up. Cooler zalman optima 10x. As a fact - I can not find a good reason to upgrade to the 9th generation. Like you want to, but why? All modern games give out at least 60 fps (I'm quite comfortable). And somehow I donβt really want to throw out 70 thousand to buy percent + mother + operative + cooler. I think that this percentage for another two years can definitely serve for games. It is suitable only for games and for using a comfortable PC for the Internet, movies and simple programs. In general, mostly people buy PCs for this. Now this percent can be bought for about 60 dollars. A mother under this percentage will cost from $ 40 for a working model on a z77 chip. RAM from $20 per stick. total 140 bucks for this system. Pretty good for a budget PC. True, now for such a price you can take an old 6-core heop on a Chinese motherboard, which will be much more productive than this percentage. The only problem is that motherboards on a socket for obsolete xeons have not been released for a long time and it will be either very expensive to buy such a mother, or only China. And there the quality is very poor and the purest lottery with low chances. Basically, the system dies after a few months (judging by the reviews on the Internet)
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