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Review on clearXchange by Anakobe Victor

Revainrating 5 out of 5

Review on clearXchange

Created in 2011 is clearXchange which is founded in US. The purpose of it's Creation was to make a system that will be more reliable than a Blockchain and this clearXchange allows instant transactions to be made between customers belonging to the largest Banks in the US

Its payment method is so versatile such that it can be used using just the mobile number or the name of the receipts. It's system is new promising and i think in the nearest future it has a potential of being adopted worldwide


Updated 4 years ago
Rating has not been changed
Its good to write about this amazing exchange once again, clearXchange offers opportunity of receiving Cash directly to bank accounts anywhere it is needed this is a great addition because not all exchanges actually have such flexibility,all you just have to do is make sure it is a registered bank on the platform

This platform already covers top US Banks due to it's efficiency and trust gained from it's end 

  • They provide fast transactions between customers
  • They Make payment easy without stress
  • Secure system and takes privacy of customers into high consideration
  • It's network simplifies P2P, B2C and G2C payment transactions
  • No negative comment to say