Very disappointed. The quality of their faucets is excellent, but they are SUPER SMALL and VERY narrow. My daughter wears a size 9 street shoe and I ordered a size 10 for a small child. They are so tiny and so tight that I can't get my foot in, I have to squeeze them together. Once in, they just feel snug enough, which is usually what it takes to pat, but not to the point where they leave marks on your feet. Wear less than 3 minutes to try them on. Unfortunately I have to return them and most of the time I won't order them because if I do order they will probably still be tight. I even ordered 10 babies. "Not Tight" I've never had a problem with her shoes being too tight. It's such a shame because they are good quality just very very very narrow and small. They also bend to the sides, which they shouldn't do at all. I don't know if they accidentally gave me a narrow one or something, but the crane shoe says 10m so I don't think they did. Just be aware of the tightness of this shoe.
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