First it's a USER ERROR - or I like to call it an old EYE DEE Ten Tee bug - ID 10 T bug. What was interesting to me is that you screw them in all the way - unscrew them until they fall off, find where the screw attaches and turn clockwise 6 times, then I screwed them onto the tires and they worked like clockwork. 6 turns gave me 15psi - then I loosened them up a bit and I got 10psi which was great for me. I live in PNW and we just had a HUGE amount of snow in Seattle. My Tacoma and BFG 10psi SUV and I could go anywhere all the time. Thanks great product. When I first got them, I had some problems, but after reading the instructions a little more closely, everything became clear. You have to remember that you want to unscrew them to get more air out of the tire. As I said in the beginning, USER ERRORS>>>>>>>Thank you for all your contact and support. Excellent customer support, I'll change that to a 5/5