In general I didn't like this timer. They're a little harder to use than most and two of them stopped beeping so I had to throw them out. The timer has three settings. clock, timer and alarm clock. The clock and timer settings in the top right corner will show what mode it's set in. The alarm clock is not working and is just blank. Several times we've set it to 3 minutes or whatever just to stop it beeping when we need it. Then when we find our mistake we have to make sure that we reset this alarm setting, otherwise it will ring at 3 minutes past midnight. Changing the mode setting is easy, but if you don't see that tiny "timer" in the top corner, it's easy to miss the real countdown. It's actually silly to make it say "Timer" and "Clock" but not have anything for the last mode, which is an alarm clock. It seems to be a very strange design flaw and we've certainly encountered it a number of times. Both missed the countdown we needed and woke up just after midnight.
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