I have 8 sets of this cookware and have been using it continuously for 3 months. We had a few minor stains mostly from my fiancé cutting food but I used the Bartender's Friend to clean them up. I've also heard that Wright's Copper Cleaner works best to keep them nice and white or off-white. I love the simple elegance of the pattern. I can spice it up with different colors from other Lenox sets from the French Perle collection or even from the French Perle Groove collection. I am very happy with them. I don't microwave them very often, but I've washed them in the dishwasher all the time and they've held up great. I was really wary of bad reviews but I think these people should cut the crap out of their food because it wasn't really a problem for us other than what I mentioned. We also recently replaced our old cutlery with better ones, so maybe that has something to do with the ability to scratch as well. I have also just purchased additional items for the set including smaller plates and bowls. I can't wait for the company to set the table nicely. Decided to update the photo side by side. The small bowl is NOT Lenox, this is a BH&G product purchased from Walmart and used extensively over the last 5 years before I was able to replace it with items from my wedding list. I think I only had 4 settings for this set so they were used all the time. They are both porcelain stoneware, I just wanted to show how scratched my old stuff is and how much nicer Lenox products are.
🍪 Лист для выпечки USA Pan с держателем для охлаждения с антипригарным покрытием: Премиум-металлический набор для идеальной выпечки
7 Review
🍞 Набор посуды Farberware Bakeware для тостера с антипригарным покрытием - 4 предмета для выпечки в сером цвете.
7 Review
🍲 Превосходный набор стеклянной кастрюли - 2-х предметный премиум стеклянный противень и контейнер для хранения продуктов с герметичным дизайном, петлями для блокировки и возможностью использования из морозильника в духовку, и противнями для запекания.
8 Review
🍪 Печи Good Cook AirPerfect с антипригарным покрытием: набор из 2-х изолированных плит из углеродистой стали - средняя 14"x12" и большая 16"x14
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