So I decided to experiment with these pills. I even told my doctor about it and he was confused as to why I'm even taking it for Alzheimer's. haha To sum it up, these pills didn't do anything for the first few nights, but after taking them regularly before bed I've started noticing something. After 1 pill a night I was able to recognize my dreams better. I remembered 1 or 2. After taking 2 pills a night I was able to recall my dreams more vividly and remember 3 or more of them. (I recommend this dose.) After 3 pills a night I got a headache when I woke up. I remembered my dreams but it wasn't noticeable except for the difference. From the point of view of "lucid" dreams. None of my dreams were detailed enough to allow me to take control of my dreams. I was able to recall more of my dreams more vividly when asked about them upon waking, but I forgot most of them later that day. (I suggest keeping a dream journal on your phone or notepad, like I do.) Do I recommend it? Eh like, something like? I'm sure most people will experience more or less different things, but it just depends on how much you want to try it. Other things I notice while taking these pills are that I feel more alert, have less brain fog after stressful moments, and feel a little better throughout the day. All of this may or may not be the result of this supplement, and your results may or may not be different from what I felt. Headaches from 3 pills was the only negative side effect I experienced, but it might just have been nighttime dehydration. Do not take three tablets at once. Take 1 tablet each evening for about three nights, then increase to 2 tablets if desired.
Омега-3 рыбий жир с CoQ10 и витамином D3 - 60 Softgels (700 мг омега-3, 2500 МЕ витамина D3, 50 мг канека Q10)
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Масло рыбы Signature для набора массы тела с лимоном в виде мягких капсул 400 мг эйкозапентаеновой кислоты (EPA), 300 мг докозагексаеновой кислоты (DHA). Пищевая добавка для здоровья мозга, сердца и суставов, 100 капсул.
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Opti-Men tabs, 150 pcs, 1 pack
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🌮 Чипсы с протеином Quest Nutrition в стиле тортильи с начинкой тако - низкокалорийные, без глютена, выпеченный перекус, 1.1 унция (упаковка из 12)
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2FIT BRANDS Keto Brownie Bites - с низким содержанием углеводов, низким содержанием сахара, без глютена и высоким содержанием белка - идеальная здоровая закуска для любителей шоколада
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