Like so many others I have connected and connected so many things. Xbox 360, cable box, cable modem, wireless router, Wii, PS3, home theater, flat screen, Blu-ray player. The list goes on. Many of these devices use energy even when they are turned off. So when we moved into an apartment with electric heating and air conditioning, our bill was very high. We started looking for ways to reduce consumption and we opted for this protection to properly manage all our devices. For example, there's no reason why video game systems should use electricity when we're not at home. Conversely, a cable box needs power all the time because 1) it takes forever to restart if it's not plugged in, and 2) our DVR is set to broadcast. Enter this network filter. This is how it works: You select a device as the master device. Every time the master is switched off, all green sockets are switched off. We selected the TV as the main device and connected a cable box, cable modem and wireless router to the always-on ports. The rest: home theater, game consoles plugged into green outlets. Now, when we turn off the TV, only the cable box, modem, and router use power. Everything else is off and not using electricity and not paying our electric bill. We only got it recently, so we haven't seen how well it saves energy, but every little thing helps.
4-розеточная полоса питания с 3 портами для зарядки USB и 5-футовым оплетенным кабелем 💡 - Плоский штепсель, монтируемая на стену настольная зарядная станция для использования дома, в офисе и на круизном судне.
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Extender Xiaomi Mi Power Strip 6 CXB6-1QM NRB4025CN, 6 outlets, 10A / 2500 W white 1.8 m
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Extender Xiaomi Mi Power Strip 3, XMCXB01QM, 3 sockets, C/C, 10A / 2500 W white 1.8 m
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Тоудир Мульти-розетка 💡 Удлинитель с поворотным вилкой - Белый
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💻 Tupavco TP302 Защита от перенапряжения Ethernet (2 штуки) с поддержкой PoE+ Gigabit и трубкой с газовым разрядом для полной защиты - громоотвод RJ45 - крепление на фланце - идеально подходит для локальной сети CAT5/CAT6 - защита от грозы - GbE 1000 Мбит/с.
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🌩️ APC Сетевой грозозащитник для Ethernet-линий 10/100/1000 Base-T с ProtectNet (PNET1GB)
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Лучший настенный USB зарядник BESTTEN: защита от скачков напряжения с светодиодной ночной подсветкой, 4 порта USB, 6 розеток переменного тока - сертифицирован ETL, белый.
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Fellowes 10-розеточный металлический разветвитель с защитой от скачков напряжения - 1,250 Джоулей, кабель 6 футов, черный и серебристый.
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