I have wanted to buy one of these for many years but never found it as necessary as I wanted but my craving eventually got the better of me. The main reason I wanted this was because of the quick change drill bits for screw head bits. Well, the magnet barely keeps it in the receiver (the part that stays in the drill). It's very wobbly and when you rotate the drill after drilling through wood or whatever the magnet isn't strong enough to hold the drill. drill so you have to hold it at an angle to create extra friction to try to drill it backwards and finally you just have to pull the drill bit out of the wood by hand. At the very least, I would expect the drill to fit snugly in the receiver so it doesn't wobble, and then the fact that the magnet is so weak only exacerbates the problem. But wait, there's more. All the drill bits and screws are covered in some kind of black grease or something. I couldn't believe how black my fingers turned the first time I pulled one out of the box. I ended up having to take them all out and dry them with a paper towel to keep my fingers from turning black. The black mass still goes afterwards, but not as bad and not as greasy. I'm sure it must be something to protect the beats, but what's the use your fingers turn so black every time you touch them. In any case, as you might have guessed, I am very disappointed. I've been wanting to buy one of these sets for years and when I finally did it was so useless I wasn't disappointed.