CACPS helped us analyze our source data and create our baseline scenario for the EPA region we were tasked with representing in our modeling efforts. The implementation was seamless since it integrated with our internal model development systems. We were able to easily incorporate additional emission sources into our future simulations. It was nice that they provided training sessions during each phase of project implementation so our team could learn how to use the system efficiently and effectively. CACPS is a great way to model pollutant reduction from projects in an efficient manner. It made it easier than expected to get all of the sources needed into our baseline analysis. This program has been used by our agency for years now, it's easy to use for most people. The program is very customizable and very useful. You can do so much with this software! I would say the only thing that could be improved is the amount of time it takes to load up the data from other sources. We are able to track and report on many different types of emissions.