Suitable: Ideal fit. Front: Using a flathead screwdriver, unscrew the 3 screws and the bottom retaining clip, which can be difficult to remove without breaking (you can buy them at an auto parts store if they break). Clean the area and install the front fenders. Rear: I recommend removing the rear wheel so you have clearance, but be careful not to drop the car on the ground during installation. I mounted the protection without removing the tires. You will need to drill 2 holes in the hard plastic so you may need a drill or something sharp. Using a flathead screwdriver, remove the bracket from the underside of the vehicle without damaging it. Clean the area and reinstall using the screws provided with the fenders and reuse the underbody bracket. There's not much space there unless you've removed the wheels, but it's possible! I used a short screwdriver for the top screw and a long one for the bottom (push screwdriver against the rod).