I love Wild Man bike gear. It is often sold under different names but is easy to spot. Design and materials are first class. I switched from an underseat bag to this one when I changed my seat. I didn't store anything in this frame and this bag is very easy to use. It's better than an under seat bag as I can reach the bag while driving. This is a bit of a problem as there is only one zipper on each side and that front zipper is all the way down when the bag is closed. However, while driving, you can open the bag and get access to things. The large storage space of the bag is accessible from the right. The pocket is not divided in the middle. The case is almost completely waterproof. I got caught in a heavy downpour on my way to work and had no problem getting water inside. The zipper is a dense nylon fabric with a water-repellent coating. I'm sure it will leak if you put a pressure washer on it, but normal rain and driving is fine. This makes them look and feel like durable items that will last through seasons of use. I've only been using Wild Man cycling products for about a year, but so far they've all held up to the daily abuse on my commute without a problem. I use this bag on a Schwinn Aluminum Comp 27.5" mountain bike and have no problem with it getting in my legs. I'm 6ft 0" tall and my seat is all the way up. It is in order.
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