These are excellent dry bags. The material is thick enough to be durable without making the bags stiff, heavy, inflexible, or unwieldy when empty. These are my kayak bags. They're really well made, durable and the hardware is top notch too. There are tons of stuff sacks available for purchase here on amazon. Most are less expensive. Keep in mind that a lot of these are for organizing your gear and then loading it into a backpack or holdall, so the material isn't really capable of withstanding much rubbing or tearing, it's not necessary. Others aren't really designed for long dives, and if you read their descriptions, they'll usually warn you not to use (or trust) them for that purpose. Strapped to the hull or hatch of a kayak, I never worry about my stuff or think about those bags. These are quality bags that are definitely worth paying more for. If you want a heavier bag that can slide across the deck all day or dangle in a compartment with other "tougher" gear, then you can move on to the hydraulically powered series. These pouches are heavier, thicker, and have a more rubbery feel. For me they are superfluous. last thing. When properly folded and zippered, these bags are not as big as you might think. I only find the 8L and smaller sizes useful for a specific piece of gear (maybe a camera) or small set of things (maybe a first aid kit). My point is if you have never bought one I would suggest you go to an outdoor gear store and look for or buy your first one there. They're retailed quite often here, so don't pay a huge fine. For my use, 13 liter bags are about as small as I find useful. The 20 is a good all-around size and will hold about as much as a smaller backpack.
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