the width (maximum) does not correspond to the declared one. With the promised 225 in the inflated state, 2.4 atm barely reaches 215mm. Correspondence with the manufacturer did not lead to anything. First, they specified where I bought it, when, then send a photo of the evidence, and when I sent it, they stopped all communication, while offering to present the difference to any official representative. Rubber wear is lightning fast, my car manufacturer recommends a pressure of 2.4 atm., However, at this pressure, the middle of the tire wears out intensively, optimal (loudly true) wear is only at 2.2 atm. Rubber is declared as all-weather, but this is a hoax - at minimal negative temperatures it becomes "wooden". put the stock bridgestone "duler" and no problems, wear and tear is not visible. Yes, I drive quite a bit, but there has never been such a thing as to roll tires for the summer season. All the enthusiastic comments here are probably left by people who did not buy new tires, but bought new ones for the first time! This is my belief, a normal person cannot help but compare it with a more worthy rubber.