I bought this machine in 2012 to grind bowls on my lathe. I use it almost exclusively for sanding with a 2/3" velcro sanding disc. I blow it out with compressed air after each use and it has lasted almost a decade to date. When I bought it I assumed it would be good given the quantity of dust getting into the bearings would only last a few years. Surprise is still going strong. When the bearings finally wear out I'd buy another. Hope it didn't come cheap. I would have preferred a wireless one but I did haven't found a 55 degree drill bit necessary for bowl grinding. I have six drill bits and this is the only one that will accept a 1/16" drill bit. Others don't close far enough. So if I have a 1/16 -" hole I get this bit. The only time I've used it for anything other than loops is when I needed to run wire through a 2 x 4 in a tight spot or corner. With the blade shortened it works it in a pinch.