There were several propane torches that looked exactly alike so I went with the cheapest one, this one. The seller is good, the goods came on time. But I don't know how to recommend it. First, it is very difficult to ignite. I tried it with a spark from a welding torch. No chance. Then I tried to light it up with my propane kitchen torch. After much experimentation I found that I could light this flashlight when the valve was fully open (about 1/4 turn) and with a bit of luck. After ignition, the flame was in perfect condition. I expect to be able to do anything and everything that a propane lamp can do. As soon as it burns. The second problem is that the flame is very poorly controlled. At first glance, Flame mode is one and only one max. I was able to bring it from high to medium flame with great finesse. If you go down, the flame will go out immediately. This shouldn't be a "problem" as you can easily move the flame away from your work if needed, but the text says the flame is adjustable. And that's wrong. Therefore, this torch is difficult to light and the flame is not adjustable. To use time terms, it goes from zero to full power when I turn the valve from 12 to 11 o'clock. I owe her high marks for durability, as each torch lasts forever. But I can't recommend this one.