If you have any doubts about ordering these shoes from this seller, don't. The shoes I received are NOT authentic Nike. When I saw them, I immediately noticed that they looked a bit strange. When I tried to put them on, they were big and chunky. It's weird when Nike is known for running half a size too small, and it's especially weird when I've worn the same shoes for 20+ years. The midsole was rock hard, not soft and springy like a good new pair of Nike shoes. The outsole was made from the cheapest plastic that made a clicking sound when walking, rather than the quality rubber Nike uses. and every step I took produced a crunch I could never quite pinpoint where it came from. When I took a closer look I found so many flaws in the stitching where the dots didn't line up like they would on a real Nike. There were many differences between the shoes pictured and the shoes I received. I didn't think to read reviews/comments before buying as Nike is a reputable company and I've never had a problem with fake shoes, but as my suspicions grew I went back to read other people's experiences, and many others also caught this on cheat shoes so it's been going on for quite some time. If you want shoes that don't last as long as a pair of Nikes and are loud and uncomfortable to wear, then buy these! If you want a real pair, you are taking a risk by buying from this seller.
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