I have a jeep 04 tj. This is the 3rd pump. The original pump lasted until last year in Sedona, the local shop supplied a new one and it took a year for the fuel regulator on it to fail. If you have a jeep I recommend you install it yourself, it's not as hard as you think. Sandblast nuts and bolts, fuel and exhaust pipe clamps. It's not difficult and you'll be rewarded for knowing what to do with your tj later. It sounds crazy but tj has never had power and acceleration like this before. I don't have to shift into 4th gear that often on a freeway entrance. It's only been a week, but it's so incredibly noticeable. I went back to the crown king and it was great. I will update if there are any changes but the jeep has almost rejuvenated at the moment I can't believe it. By the way, now it's turning like butter and you don't want the pump to fail. You're in the middle of the road* - 6 months later, Delphi is letting me down! Like all other Jeep fuel pumps, this is a stock shot. Damn, the most unfortunate place for the fuel pump. I had to get another one in Autozone and so far it's working fine. * Az offers a lifetime warranty, so buy pumps there. By the way, they are all made in China now, like Delphi.
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