I understand that living in the Sonoran Desert is a particularly harsh environment, but these fabrics that pretended to be a windshield didn't even last the summer. Bought at the end of June, they fell apart and by September the elastics had failed, including the elastic at the height of the children's suit. "No cheap and flimsy materials were used in its manufacture." they agree. Well, it might seem like four layers of material would make something sturdy or well-built, but not four layers of cheap down. By decay I mean turning into powder. The black straps they seem to show are the thinnest fabric imaginable; the kind you would buy for a disposable suit. You will see this if you make a mistake when ordering. They were made to fail. magnets? I have stronger magnets on my fridge, and this statement is not an exaggeration or a colorful metaphor. "Magnets" are tiny, weak discs that help hold the fabric in place when there's no wind or gusts of wind. Ever bought a cheap fridge magnet that barely stuck to the fridge, let alone a piece of paper? ? This is about the level of magnetism offered by these thinnest magnets. I found one still attached to the vehicle after the sun converted the fabric into energy - on the underside, not exposed to the sun, when a strong gust of wind shook it from its position. former rags prison. Most of the others seem to have vanished in the same way, not even aging on metal with enough wind. Speaking of gusts of wind, in any gale or gusty wind these magnets will serve no purpose even if not separated from the fabric. If you live in a consistently mild climate with the occasional snowstorm and park your car out of direct wind, this is probably enough to keep snow off your windshield, but I have to wonder if it isn't. whether it will eventually freeze to the windshield. It doesn't matter if UV protection is mentioned with this product, it is clearly not the material that is meant, but the interior of the car - for the short time that the material lasts. If you live in the southern, southwestern lowland states, or on or near a coast or area prone to gusty winds: Skip this. experiencing it soon became an obvious necessity. If you want to get that, you can also buy actual magnets to hold it in place, or just have the front flap over a vent like a Marilyn Monroe dress. .