When we are interested in a topic or have a fondness for a particular activity, we usually resort to searching for information to expand our body of knowledge and handle a situation or activity with certainty.
In the case of people who enjoy nautical activity, Defender Industries offers a digital portal that allows them to purchase a wide range of items ranging from boats to accessories for their endowment and equipment.
Defender Industries is not just a portal for purchases of ship-related products and their manning, but an instructional tool that supports those who enjoy this passion.
What can we find in your online store?
Educational material on safe handling of boats, such as texts and DVD-VHS movies
Offers in supplements and navigation accessories
Electronic parts and supplies for boats
Inflatable boats
Equipment for equipping boats: electrical appliances (kitchens, sinks, heaters), refrigeration equipment, communication equipment, electronic and mechanical parts.
In Defender Industries you have an ally to buy and equip your boat.