Description of GivingTools
Are you a nonprofit looking for an affordable online giving platform that includes features like donor-paid fees, free text giving, recurring gifts, and more? is your answer!
Highly secure and easy to use, the enables you to raise funds online through all sorts of appeals...from one-time and recurring gifts to capital campaign pledges, events, merchandise, and sign-ups. You can direct people to your giving page or you can embed your giving page or giving forms right on your website. offers a beautiful interface, low rates (as low as kidding!), and options like PayPal integration and flat-rate ACH giving. Through ACH giving, no percentage is taken from the gift!
GivingTools includes text giving with every added cost. No minimum use fees or other funny business, either.
A free demo account gets you started quickly. Trusted by hundreds of nonprofits. We make online giving easy.