Mimeo provides the fastest, easiest, most reliable way to manage and distribute their content. Mimeo brings customers’ content to life through print and digital formats via its enterprise app suite and global print production facilities. Founded in 1999 as a startup, Mimeo has grown into a global organization, distributing content to customers in over 140 countries.
The best part is that I have been able to use my own logo and branding without any issues with this service. It's easy for me to create flyers and other marketing materials using this software. This also allows you to easily add your contact info so people can get hold of you if they need more information about your business or services. Sometimes it takes a while before new features are implemented but overall, it's a great platform! Nothing really at this time.
If you're looking for…
Customizable logos & images
Lots o' options when creating documents (such as brochures)
Easy uploads/editing templates; no coding needed.
Free trial period available in case there isn't anything else suitable currently
I love that it's quick easy access for file storage and sharing online! It can be really difficult at times keeping track of all your files/projects if you have more than one person working with them so this is very helpful when trying too keep everything organized!! There are no cons but maybe some things could get better like adding extra features or an option where we don't need our own server set up which would make uploading quicker? We use mimeo mainly just because there isn't another…
Theres not much else about their site i dislike honestly besides they're prices aren’t quite affordable.
The ability for us at our small non-profit church (less than 100 people) was able create an online version of weekly bulletin that allowed members access from home or wherever they were without having printed copies with them every week! It's easy enought anyone can do it so no excuses if you don't want this option available when we go back up again after Easter next year!! We're not sure yet how well received by those who receive paper versions because there are less options now but still very
Ease to use
Very helpful customer service staff in both office/phone call centers.
especially considering many require membership fees just like Netflix does before using their product
Easy uploadable PDF conversion process is amazing!!! So happy about making print quality PDFs easily convertible into mobile friendly formats instead needing expensive high resolution photo printing processes which would be costly
The ease of use and flexibility with how you can create your own page layouts is great. You are not limited to just what the templates offer unless you want that. I wish there was more customization options for our clients. We have been able to add custom graphics and text boxes easily. This tool also allows us to provide custom brochures for each client so they can choose what they are interested in seeing. It does take some time to learn but if you do it will be worth it! The ability to…
Can keep trackof documents while working remotely from home office or work environment using laptop computer at remote locations as wellas local hard drives located locallyat my businessoffice