1) OLED damages vision and wears out in two to three years. Yes, there is less flickering than in Korea, but even so, IPS displays are still the best available today.
2) Take a 6s to the store and compare it to typing on the on-screen keyboard. For an iPhone, entering letters is a challenge. Androids were not even close to the convenience of typing, even though they featured the best on-screen keyboards since the 3GS. The Android keyboard now performs even better than the one included with iOS.
3) A day's worth of work on one battery
4) Lightning for everything in 2022. No, are you kidding? The Pro Max, according to marketers (and at a price even in the US), suggests some significant use of the device for taking images, combining music, processing video while traveling, possibly connecting an external DAC with decent headphones, or possibly just charging and listening to music. By 2022, Type-C USB will be the norm; it will cost the same as my own biodegradable lighting. I can purchase 5 top-notch Type C cords for 2 amps in a variety of colors to suit my mood, and even if I pull on the wires every day, they won't break!
5) The battery lasts for a day, at most until the morning in the winter, and in a year it will be cut down in the cold by 20% and beg to be replaced. With this brand, nothing ever changes. (Hello from those phones whose batteries, after three years, genuinely last till the last percent of charge.)
6) A ceramic helmet. Nibyozza. Each and every time, %#? Since Samsung and Apple claim they have the most durable glass, it does break occasionally. Therefore, paying too much for it has no justification. If you attach it nonetheless, the screen or back will change.
7) Do you still have money burning in your pocket? Numerous hundred kids lose their lives to cancer every day. Including in your city.