The team at UP are highly professional, extremely knowledgeable about their subject matter (branding) & have great experience in working with clients from all sectors of business - across multiple geographies as well! They're also very flexible which makes them easy for us work around our own internal processes/timelines etc too when we need it most!! I've no dislikes so far but would definitely recommend this agency if you want your branding project done right by experts who know what they do…
Full service capabilities
Highly experienced staff members&
Great knowledge base regarding brands' specific needs
I really like how they are able help you with any type of project, whether it be branding or design work! They also have some great resources for freebies such as logos which can save money if your budget isn't huge (which mine wasn’t).
Their rate structure was very reasonable too – $100 per hour seemed fair enough but not overpriced at all considering what we were getting outta them in terms og logo designs/branding services etc.. The only thing i could think about maybe being improved would…
Great prices
Good quality results delivered quickly
All their staff seem genuinely helpful & professional.
Some pretty cool offers to give away prizes via competitions :)
Not much actually honestly just that my first experience using these guys didn' t go quite according do plan
The team at Up are very helpful, friendly & knowledgeable about our project needs from day one! They have helped us with everything - from website design through social media marketing strategy development so far we've been impressed by their professionalism as well as creativity in developing solutions for each of these areas. I can't think what else you could ask or expect when working alongside them? So please do give it ago if they're looking after your account/project etc. We needed help…