- Price if taken from USA/Europe. Performance - 3090, but less memory. Not high for this size turntables (the screws themselves are 10cm, the card is a little higher than 11cm, it can be critical for someone). Good memory cooling (+ 6-12° from the chip), rarely reaches 80° (for other vendors, it's easy for 100°). Temperatures rarely go beyond 70°, with fans up to 1300 rpm, and with undervolting generally up to 60-65° (only Cyberpunk, without frame limitation, it "roasts" it). Customizable backlight - who needs it.
- Fans work strangely: if you set a stop fan (shutdown below 40 ° or 50 °), then at startup the speed is immediately at 1800, then after 2 seconds it drops to the parameters in the graph, so it fixed the minimum at 700 rpm, without turning off the turntables ( in idle time it strains when it howls periodically). Meager equipment: A card, 2 adapters, a sticker and a disk with instructions, in principle, it suited me, but modestly for the top (Gagabyte has the same aurus master in principle). The box is 10 times larger than the card - for the safety of transportation, of course, a plus.