This wallet was established in 2017, by Konstantin Gladych. This is one of my favorite wallet. Atomic Swap wallet is very easy and convenient. This online wallet supports many crypto currencies in hundreds.
The registration of the wallet is very simple. You do not need to do KYC before you can use the wallet, which mean no personal detail submitted. You are in control of the wallet, with that in mind you need to keep password and the twelve seed that liking to your ATM number save out of the rich of other party.
I also like the fact that you can also lean about the digital asset from the platform. It also offers referral bonus which makes the user to earn AWC which is native token.
The wallet supports mobile device, this makes it is easy to get an access to it anytime you want. You should also know that it has inbuilt exchange that you can make good use of.
My first digital asset was bought through my credit card, but in my opinion the charges is very high, the cost can be reduced by the team which makes things easy for user especially newbies
I can recommend the wallet to anybody because of my good experience i have with the wallet while using it. You need to login all the time you go out of the wallet, i knew that it part of security measure put in place but it can also be reviewed. It is also note worthy to mention that it has good customer service.