Coinbase wallet is a hot storage wallet that securely stores up cryptos ,this wallet allows users to receive Cryptos into their wallets and send Cryptos out of their wallets. The wallet only support few crypto currencies, but the currencies supported are the major crypto currencies.
I can recommend this wallet as one of the most secured wallet for crypto currencies, The wallet makes use of two factor authentication to store up crypto's which renders the wallet invulnerable to hacks making its security a top notch,though some users criticize the wallet of not being safe and secured which isn't true cause the fault could be from them probably because they made use of a weak password or they were not too careful with keeping their private keys. The wallet is made accessible to android and iOS device,with a nice &friendly interface making it understandable and easy to navigate.
As I earlier said the wallet doesn't support a large variety of Cryptos but few major ones which will make it a nice start for all newbies/begginers and even the advanced traders except for advanced traders who are still trying to explore other cryptos