Description of Ledger Blue
The Ledger Blue wallet is a hardware wallet by Ledger. You need a computer with a USB port and a recent version of Google Chrome in order to use it. The ledger hardware wallet can also be hooked up with other wallets like mycelium and coinkite and it works on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
The wallet interfaces with the computer through a Chrome application which you will need to install on your computer. By using the Ledger Blue, your private keys always stay stafe inside the equipment and never reach the computer, ensuring that they cannot be retrieved by hackers.
The Ledger Wallet is self-sufficient and allows more than 30 coins to be used like BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE, ZEC, DASH, STRAT, BCH, KMD, ETC, POSW, EXP, UBIQ, VTC, PIVX, VIA, NEO, XST, BTG, HSR, DGB, QTUM and XRP.
Retail price is 279.99 Eur.