Quppy is a multicurrencies crypto wallet, but it also has support for 2 fiat currencies. It was founded in 2017 with European users as their target. It is founded by professionals from various field, like banking, IT and financial.
One can easily open IBAN account in the wallet and transfer both EURO and GBP easily. It require KYC before one can enjoy this function. It presently has support for 4 cryptos, BTC, BCH, LTC and ETH but many are to be added in the future.
When you exchange within the wallet their fees is very low and transparent. The wallet has mobile app and is available worldwide but is useful especially for those that are under European jurisdiction. Deposit and withdrawal is free apart from network transaction fee.
The wallet has 2 Factor Authentication and the private key is store at the users level. The wallet has other great feature that one can enjoy when using it. There are lot of good comments from users on the internet which prove the effectiveness of this wallet.