The main purpose of the wallet is to store user private keys in a secure environment and to make them ready for use quickly when desired. Although there are many similar hardware bitcoin wallets on the market, trezor is the best selling bitcoin wallet globally and the least complaint ever.
With its user comments and its impact on the cryptocurrency ecosystem, trezor already has a huge fan base. Trezor, which takes precautions against all kinds of bad interference and does not compromise security even when the computers used are not protected by anti-virus programs, is now sent free shipping to all over the world.
Another feature of the trezor is that it is very easy to use. There is no need to be a crypto expert to use trezor, anyone who wants can easily setup and use the device, and the device can run on windows, os x and linux operating systems.
And if you want to own a trezor, first ask yourself the following questions: do I know the logic of the blockchain? What do private key, public key and public address do? Where are the cryptocurrencies that I have private keys stored on?
If you cannot answer these questions completely, do not buy trezor if you think cryptocurrencies are actually "kept" in wallets. First of all, have the knowledge to answer these questions.
Because, trezor is a hardware with a single purpose: to ensure the security of your private key both in physical and electronic environment. You have the greatest responsibility in ensuring physical environment security. You can rely on trezo about security in the electronic environment, there is no one who has taken the necessary precautions and lost their private key to someone else