Trust wallet is very light, and easy to use wallet that allows more than 30 cryptocurrencies. Mainly, Trust wallet is made for Ethereum ecosystem but after improvements. Now, trust wallet adds many coins in it. Trust wallet is best wallet for BinanceChain because it provides BNB mainnet support and by trust wallet we can use BinanceDex very easily and it is recommended way to use Dex by Binance.
If you are looking for an wallet that supports almost all top coins and for daily usage then Trust wallet is perfect wallet for you. But i don't recomment trust wallet for storing all of your portfolio in it, Use hardware wallets for storing high value of cryptocurrencies.
Trust wallet provides extra features like inbuilt WEB3 browser support where user can access any Dapps through their wallet directly. and exchange your BNB coins or tokens decentralize exchange.
In short, Trust wallet is best choice for mobile wallets. Mobile wallets are generally for storing their daily use funds, but if you want to store your all holdings or portfolio then recommended wallet are hardware wallets. You can check reviews on hardware wallets on Revain platform.