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64 Review
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Review on Pixeos by Bashiru Awoleye

Revainrating 4 out of 5


Good day everyone after some intensive research on pixeos, it was discovered that the game is created on the main bases of showing art in a very simple way.

This platform design is so colorful and has lovable, this platform enable user to a open source management which is directed by artist themselves,It has a large gallery where user can make different choices on the type of master piece art they want .

Pixeos project is supported by the EOS network, this platform gives more details on what is called art, it is very educational. User are able to interact with other artist, with the aim of gaining more knowledge and let ideas flow over the art.

In this platform user's are able to create an avatar which can be used to visit digital platform in spaces.

Updated 4 years ago
Rating changed from 3 to 4
Hi guys, after recent research been done on this platform, I discovered that this platform is now know by lot of community unlike before, after it was updated, it web design now looks very beautiful and unique, better before. I recommend this platform to all traders. This is all I have to add on this platform

  • It has a colorful and modern design
  • It only known by little community

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