I give a detailed report of my encounter after signing up as a player on Prospectors, prospectors is a strategy game you play to earn and in which you as a player assume the role of a gold mining entrepreneur with assigned workers, the golds you mine are assets that can be traded and the golds are treasures stored up in the cryptocurrency ledger of EOS and Ethereum coins.
You as a player send your workers off to perform tasks while you do something else and there is no way you can increase the number of workers assigned to you but you can hire workers from other prospectors while you pay gold in return for their services to their prospector and for this explanation, prospectors can still be termed idle game which requires strategy to be profitable to you.
The virtual golds mined can be converted to a cryptocurrency token known as prospectors gold PGL and reversely PGL can be used to purchase golds from other prospectors. The resources that can be mined are gold, stone, coal, clay, wood and ore, these resources are as well convertible into clay tiles, stone plates, stone blocks, etc.
The tools available on prospectors to be made use of by your workers are shovel, spade, hammer, sledge hammer, ax, saw, pickax, and gold pan.
If you are an idle game lover with curiosity to earn and have fun along side, prospectors is a good cryptocurrency ledger game for you.