Reality clash is a fascinating blockchain game that goes beyond entertaining gamers but also create a source of making good income whenever players earn rewards on the game.
It is a free mobile combat game where you can either challenge bots or human opponents depending on your choice and enter into a duel with them using some deadly weapons,in the game everysteep you take matters so much and it determines how fast you level up and earn rewards on the game, the RCC tokens earned while playing the gamecan either be used to make purchase on the game's market place for weapons or traded on exchanges for other crypto currencies.
The game need an high performance mobile device to operate else it might be too slow, the game appears to be a bit complex at certain levels when you are competing with an expert/skilled player the only way to surmount this is to ensure your arsenal is fully equipped.
The game is one of the best blockchain games most game enthusiasts can find on the blockchain.