Coin base is a crypto exchange and broker company based in San Fransisco California,estalblised by Brian Armstrong. This exchange is the largest and most popular so far in the crypto exchange with users in almost 55 countries across the globe as of this year.
My experience or rather views about coinbase card is a pleasant one ,coinbse card is just like my normal bank debit that gives me access to funds on my bank account, thereby allowing me to collect funds,make transactions,purchase goods and services,cash withdrawals at ATM or transfers, It is a visa card and so can be used anywhere visa is accepted,it is used for both international and domestic transactions ,it works both online and offline.
One thing i like most about the card is that their transactions are quite fast,convenient and reliable imagine a card that allows you withdraw up to 200 euro's per month for both domestic and international withdrawals at a free fee ,and even when I withdraw more than 200 euro's I am being charged at a rate of 1% & 2% of my total transactions per month respectively for both domestic and international transactions respectively,any purchase I make with my card is absolutely free.
More so coinbase is a secured platform that offers high security services to their clients/customers. Ever since the inception of this company it's customers data base has never been breached or hacked, this has been achieved by ensuring that once any foul or suspicious transactions are noticed on the clients account they take total control of the users funds to keep it safe ,preventing it users from falling victims to scams.They ensure that their major priority is to keep all sensitive and vital information about my account from third parties or intruders by storing my passwords and OAuth token using bank level AES-256 encryption on my server.
If you are looking for a secure platform for crypto exchange and card then Coinbase is a really good option for you.