When making use of Crypto cards, one usually take note of its issuing provider. With the coinbase card being issued by Coinbase, users are assured of safety and credibility. The Coinbase card is a Visa issued crypto card and is funded from the crypto holdings of its users from their Coinbase wallet. As the coinbase wallet supports 9 different cryptocurrencies such as XRP, BTC, ETH, ZRX, BAT, REP, BCH, LTC & XLM, users have a wide range of options to choose from when using this card. The users can select the crypto from which they want to liquidate and make use of and are charged a substantial 2.49% fee for any conversion. The card issuance fee is a low $6.48 and there is a zero ATM withdrawal fee for both domestic and international withdrawal up to the tune of £200. Daily spending limit of this card is capped at $13,000 but coinbase offers it's users a chance to increase this limit making it flexible for both small time users and businesses. As we all know that coinbase wallet is of a high class security, users can never be scared of their coins being manipulated. The wallet is available for Android and iOS and the app has a very good User Interface. Coinbase card is only supported in 28 countries of the world, this countries include France, Norway, Sweden, Portugal, Spain and the UK among others. They plan to support other countries too so we wait for that update and see how far they