This platform offers a whole lot of amazing characteristics which Everyone would like to obtain. On the note, capo USD is a digital bank that allows you to earn and make transactions at zero fees deduction. It is more likened to a financial institution which it is but it plays a better and bigger role than our Banks and this is because it doesn't not quite require physical content between the user and an agent when it comes to making exchange transactions and other forms of trade.
However, being a fully fledge suite which is positioned to provide financial tools for ease of all sorts of financial transactions better than banks, it also house assets such as bitcoin under a safe roof. The Xapo Bitcoin USD debit card costs a total of $20 for you to have one and has a 3% foreign currency conversion cost at the time of collection. The platform is the first of it kind to issue a Bitcoin debit card that is connected to a verified Bitcoin wallet software. The launch card offered many issues such as the card not being customized, the wrong currency card being sent to the wrong jurisdiction and many other responses . However most of these issues have been identified and resolved recently and the Xapo card and wallet system serves in better ways for a decent usage of your bitcoin.