Artis Turba is a cryptocurrency exchange from South Africa. It is a very easy to use Exchange because its features are not complex but simple. Artis Turba is a very secure Exchange and also a profitable Exchange to use. I always get rewarded for referring friends to signup for an account with it.
Also, Artis Turba supports a good number of cryptocurrencies for trade, it supports crypto deposits with BTC, ETH, XPR and also fiat currency as deposit but only with its national currency, ZAR. It also has a peer-to-peer network but I have not tried it out yet. It carries out speedy transactions and also gives very active updates of its operation and also on cryptocurrencies to its users. I get new ideas of cryptocurrencies from Artis Turba and trade on any I feel is good to me. Lastly, Artis Turba is a very secure Exchange to trade with and I recommend it.