Bilaxy is one of the centralized exchange in the crypto industry that is widely regarded as the major Alternative Coin hub of the cryptocurrencies as it's supports 297 coins on its Exchange. It has a relatively high liquidity which should be around 15,000 Bitcoin monetary value.
It's support for a wide range of Altcoin has been seen as the selling point of this exchange. The exchange also offers 2fa verification for the users during their withdrawal process and they also charge quite low fees for processing withdrawal from the exchange
For the purpose of this review, I made use of the exchange website which I find very annoying. The User Interface for the exchange was a very dull one and most professional traders would not risk putting large amounts of money in their wallets on the exchange
The exchange charges a flat fee of 0.1% for both it's market makers and takers which is the highest fee I have seen for any exchange so
My main issue with the exchange is it's UI which I feel if revamped, will take the exchange to new highs in terms of volume traded