Bitmart is one of the most trusted cryptocurrency trading platform in the world.
BitMart was launched on March 15, 2018. It is a centralized exchange located in the Cayman Islands. It has four offices in New York, China, Hong Kong and Seoul, supporting spot, over-the-counter and U.S. dollar transactions. Its mission is to push the world towards a better financial system.
Bitmart as a global trading platform and it hope that the aura of digital assets can benefit all investors. Our vision is to create an accessible environment and suitable barriers to entry for every potential investor to make digital assets meaningful.
Bitmart supports 24/7. We are sensitive to your needs and ready to help you at any time.
Bitmart employs advanced market risk control system hybrid hot/cold wallet system and 100% secure multi-signature technology for trading and managing digital assets.
Bitmart allows customers to use a credit/debit card to purchase cryptocurrency. Provide more than 200 high-quality coins and more than 400 trading pairs. A comprehensive platform to start your investment and cryptocurrency management.