There are currently a large number of cryptocurrency exchange house platforms that are basically dedicated to the storage of coins and to carry out trading-type transactions.
We found Kukoin as one of the options offered by the exchange market; Despite its young appearance on the Internet, it is emerging as one of the most promising for users who seek to obtain profits through the betting service to multiply their funds using a high-quality and secure platform.
The official currency of Kukoin is called Kukoin shares.
The operation of this exchange is similar to that of many in the market. Their menu includes options for:
1.- Withdrawal and deposit money
2.-Make trading.
3.-Graph: This option that allows analyzing the behavior of the currencies.
4.-Order Book: Shows a history of the operations carried out and those that are active at any given time.
5.-Purchase / sale: Operations are carried out there.
6.-Volume of purchase / sale operations: It reflects the transactions carried out in a specific time.