Binance Mining Pool
Binance exchange has been a well known recognize exchange in the crypto space, it has been delivering a credible and flexible service to it's users in terms of offering multiple trading pairs secure exchange wallet with fast accessible transaction speed for it's users with high reputable partners.
An interesting features integrated on the exchange platform is mining pool, if you're acquainted with how mining works you will agree with me it actually a difficulty task that need constant maintenance, general and constant electric supply need to be maintained in other to run a successful mining pool.
With Binance mining pool users can conveniently connect with the exchange pool with their purchased hashrate and auto mine crypto of choice like BTC, BCH, and BSV automatically. Interestinly users can switch to different coin due to mining difficulty.
Note, on the mining pool the final mining income is settle in BTC.
Payment are guaranteed with pay per share payment distribution your daily earning is determined by your mining hash rate, low commission is charged it's a secure and transparent service for users to increase their earning portfolio.
It's easy to connect to the mining pool and start earning income.
To create your mining account you need to first access the mining url address with your device from Binance official webpage get worker ID, procedure on how to go about connect to the pool with instructions are highlight on the platform.
Binance Mining Pool is a transparent well recommended mining pool for users to conveniently connect with using their purchased hash rate to earn with, the service is well secure if you're looking for a trusted mining company this will do.